Nieuwe workshop : Freedom for the spirit
Phil Griggs en Udita Verbeelen komen naar Nederland! Ze geven in ons atelier hun nieuwste Freedom for the spirit workshop.
De workshop wordt in het Engels gegeven. Phil en Udita zijn twee dagen in Nederland. De workshop duurt 1 dag en kost € 85/PP inclusief een lunch.
Hieronder een klein woordje uitleg over wie Phil en Udita zijn.
Wat houdt deze workshop precies in?
Both Phil and Udita will combine their practices and skill sets to bring you a very engaging proactive workshop which will revitalise your spiritual and emotional wellbeing.
Some of the contents of the workshop include:
- Transformative Healing: Connecting to your spiritual self and the group to create a powerful healing experience
- Shamanic Clearing and Balancing: This unique session unblocks, balances and enhances your connection with your divine self.
- Blind Clairvoyance: Discovering and unleashing just how psychic you are in this proactive exercise.
- Remote Viewing: Awaken your ability to access information from your powerful intuition. (Individual and group work).
- Jungle Attraction: This beautiful experience through the energy of the jungle brings greater wellbeing, happiness and abundance into your life.
Phil Griggs Psychic Medium
Phil is a respected international Spiritual Medium combining his work as a clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist and Integrative Neuro- Motivational Coach .
Phil has worked as a professional medium since 1988 and demonstrated his unique blend of spiritual and psychic abilities at large shows and venues in the UK, USA, Spain, Canada and Germany.
Extensive training in teaching, facilitating and Neuro coaching has enabled Phil to present courses, lectures and practical demonstrations around the world including USA, Canada, Germany and Spain.
Phil Griggs was one of the first Adult Education Teachers based in the Home Counties to offer an accredited course in the ‘psychic arts’ in the formal College network.
The academic course was awarded an OFSTED grade 1 pass.
Udita Verbeelen
Udita works as a Curandera or otherwise known as a Shamanic Healer. She had a massive spiritual calling to seek a healing journey in Peru.
What started off as a 3 month visit turned into 12 years!
There she underwent a profound apprenticeship alone in the jungle establishing alliances with the spirits of the powerful plants and trees in the Amazon and thus a deep spiritual connection to life and the universe.
Udita combines her healing and transforming energies from the jungle with spiritual practices to help people in all walks of life with her shamanic tools such as her Mapacho jungle Tabaco Soplada. You only need to read the testimonial page on her website to understand just how much comfort and healing she has brought into peoples lives.
Plaatsen zijn beperkt. snel inschrijven is de boodschap!